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Become a Member

Join us and become part of an active Canadian rare disorder community. CORD is the only national organization representing all rare disorder patient groups in Canada.

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CORD is a national organization comprised of patient groups representing individuals and families affected by rare disorders. CORD provides programs, resources, and a common voice to advocate for health policy and a healthcare system that works for all Canadians affected by rare disorders.

Some of the benefits of a CORD membership:

  • Regular news updates and newsletters from CORD
  • Priority registration at CORD conferences, forums, development sessions, and training workshops
  • Access to support for information, education, and advocacy services
  • Participation at regular scheduled meetings with CORD
  • Opportunity to become actively involved in CORD's development of an Orphan Drug Policy in Canada
  • Opportunity to submit questions for CORD surveys of members, patients, healthcare providers, and public

Membership Types

Patient / Individual


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Individuals who choose to become members of CORD receive several benefits in addition to the satisfaction of knowing they have helped people with rare disorders. Individual membership is designed for rare disease patients and their families. You will receive priority registration at conferences, forums, development sessions, and training workshops.

Benefits of Patient Membership:

  • Regular news updates and newsletters from CORD
  • Priority registration at CORD conferences, forums, development sessions, and training workshops
  • Access to support for information, education, and advocacy services
  • Participation at regular scheduled meetings with CORD's Corporate Leaders Council
  • Opportunity to become actively involved in CORD's development of an Orphan Drug Policy in Canada
  • Opportunity to submit questions for CORD surveys of members, patients, healthcare providers, and public

Affiliate / Group


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Affiliate membership is open to all patient organizations that provide direct support to persons affected by rare disorders.

Each Affiliate Member has one vote at the Annual General Meeting. Affiliate Members may submit nominees for the Board of Directors, board committees, and working groups.

Benefits of Patient Membership:

  • Listing on and linkage on CORD website
  • Regular news updates and newsletters from CORD
  • Access to support for information, education, and advocacy services
  • Participation at regular scheduled meetings with CORD's Corporate Leaders Forum Members
  • Receive priority registration at CORD conferences, forums, development sessions, and training workshops
  • Opportunity to submit questions for CORD surveys of members, patients, healthcare providers, and public

Corporate Leaders


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CORD's Corporate Leaders Council (CCLC) role is to help ensure that Canada becomes a world leader in research, development and healthcare delivery for patients with rare disorders.

CORD Corporate Leaders have unique access to networks, forums and workshops convened by CORD on behalf of its patient organizations. As the recognized corporate advisory body to CORD, the CCLC may propose program initiatives, surveys, research studies, and partnership projects for the consideration of CORD or its affiliate member groups. Members of the CCLC do not have voting status at the Annual General Meeting. However, CCLC employees may join CORD as individual members with full privileges.

Corporate Leaders Forum Members will have access to:

  • Listing on CORD website
  • Regular news updates and newsletters from CORD
  • Exclusive participation in CORD Corporate Leaders events
  • Priority registration at CORD conferences, forums, and networking sessions

Affiliate / Group


Affiliate Members may join as single-disorder patient groups or as associations (networks or alliances) of related disorders. Affiliate Members may be small volunteer-led groups, incorporated not-for-profit organizations, registered charities, or a division of a provincial, national, or international organization. Affiliate Members are committed to principles of collaboration and mutual support to better serve the needs of all rare disorders.

Role of Affiliate Members

Affiliate Members help carry out the mission of CORD and collaborate on projects with mutual benefit. Affiliate Members set policy, strategic direction, and program objectives for CORD. Representatives of groups fill CORD board positions and serve on project committees, advisory boards, and working groups. Affiliate Members gain from our collective power to carry out projects and advocate on issues that no one organization could achieve alone. Affiliate Members have opportunities to share expertise and resources and to learn from one another.

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Corporate Leaders

CORD's Corporate Leaders Council role is to help ensure that Canada becomes a world leader in research, development and healthcare delivery for patients with rare disorders.


The objective of the CORD Corporate Leaders Council (CCLC) is to bring together leaders in the corporate community with leaders in the rare disorders patient community to explore issues of common concern and to work collaboratively to facilitate research, diagnosis, treatment, access to care, and prevention. CORD Corporate Leaders enjoy unique opportunities to network with researchers, clinicians, regulators, funders, and investors. And, as a member of the CORD Corporate Leaders Council, you are identifying yourself as a corporation that values patient partnerships and investment in patient-centered healthcare.


All corporations doing business or interested in doing business in Canada related to rare disorders are urged to apply for membership in the CORD Corporate Leaders Council. Research (joint) ventures, academic institutions, or nonprofit health-related associations may be considered for membership in CCLC. All corporate leaders are expected to abide by a code of conduct. Participation is on an annual basis.


Annual Corporate Leaders Council membership is based on the commitment level.

Benefits of Corporate Leaders Forum

CORD Corporate Leaders have unique access to networks, forums and workshops convened by CORD on behalf of its patient organizations. As the recognized corporate advisory body to CORD, the CCLC may propose program initiatives, surveys, research studies, and partnership projects for the consideration of CORD or its affiliate member groups. Members of the CCLC do not have voting status at the Annual General Meeting. However, CCLC employees may join CORD as individual members with full privileges. Corporate Leaders Council Members will have access to:

  • Listing on CORD website (
  • Receive regular news updates and newsletters from CORD
  • Exclusive participation in CORD Corporate Leaders events
  • Priority registration at CORD conferences, forums, and networking sessions

Corporate Champion $25,000
Corporate Leader $15,000
Corporate Supporter $10,000
Corporate Friend $5,000

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