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Call for Nominations for CORD Board of Directors 2024-2027

May 15, 2024 / News

The Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders is looking for passionate, creative, committed, qualified people to join our Board of Directors for the 2024-2027 term to help guide our organization to meet the needs of the rare disease community. CORD wishes to invite interested candidates to submit their application to join the Board of Directors for 2024-2027 term.

We are particularly interested in hearing from individuals whose experience and skill set includes a combination of the following:

  • Finance, accounting
  • Grant writing
  • Fundraising and special events
  • Health policy development
  • Public relations, communications
  • Advocacy on a provincial/federal level
  • Nonprofit, governance, management, administration experience

Application Deadline: June 30, 2024

Please submit your application to:

Terms of Office: 3 years, elected by members at the Annual General Meeting (unless to fill a vacancy, in which case appointment may be made by Directors for the remainder of the term). 

*Must be a resident of Canada